Fields of Experience: A Learning Experience

Friday, June 15, 2012 - Posted by Unknown

Fields of experience can be defined as, “life experiences, attitudes, values, and beliefs that each communicator brings to an interaction and that shape how messages are sent and received” (McCornack, 2010, p. 10).

I believe this to mean the sum of all communication experiences in one’s life influences his/her values and how he/she goes about future communication; where each interaction is a learning experience for all parties involved.

To me fields of experience is one of the most valuable to the interaction between humans. Growing up, my parents always stressed to me the importance of greeting people. Whether at a family reunion or a BBQ, I would always watch my father shake hands with another man and say to me, “Say hello, Brandon.” Of course I viewed my father telling me what to do as punishment, so I would half-heartedly say hello while staring at the ground.

When I was ten years old this all changed, because I considered myself an “adult” (you know, because my age was now in the double digits). Being an “adult,” I tried to copy everything my father did. At the next family reunion my mother’s cousin came up to greet us, shook my fathers hand, and then turned to me. I shook his hand, looked him in the eyes and asked him, “How are you?” From there, he asked me if I would like some food or a drink. This generosity was thrilling to me; previously all my communication with adults was through my parents. This was the first time in my life I felt a genuine connection with someone because of communication, outside of playing with other kids in my backyard. I learned the value of a handshake, treating others with respect, and how far that can take you.

From that point on, the importance of a handshake and greeting with respect has stuck with me and evolved over time. Now I find myself enjoying company and meeting new people, because I find my openness and kindness to be reciprocated. I used to believe the importance of two men and a handshake was bogus, but now I couldn’t agree more. E-mail, text messages, or phone calls can’t compare to the bond created through a handshake and eye contact. I will never forget this experience because of the instantaneous feeling of gratitude I got from my first handshake. I carry this lesson with me everywhere I go and with every new person I meet. I find myself enjoying the presence of others significantly more, and overall having a better outlook on life. Although this is one of many fields of experience I have had, this is the most important to my growth as a person.

What communication experience influenced your future communication the most? Why?